This document is for compare the film and the book. The book are really good, but the film...For me the film no explain very well the history about Romeo an juliet. There are no meaning. The film can not transcure in city. Romeo and Juliet is in Verona. It's no difficult went to Verono to make a film. The only part of the film i liked are the scene of the kiss, this part is very similar of the book, but in general the book is much bettar than film. For me the film it is very false, the swords are guns. This it is a very big mistake.
In general, the book is very good and the film except the scene of the kiss....The film is pretty bad for me of coure.
dimarts, 7 de juny del 2016
I don't like the romantics movies, but one of the romantic movie i liked is Nemo. For me Nemo is a romantic movie because he fight for love of his father.
I watch this movie when i was 5 years old. When i saw i really liked the movie, the film is father's love, i was very sorry by nemo suffers a lot during the movie. But in the fiale of the film Nemo get find his father and they are happy forever.
Nemo for me is the best movie of Disney and the best romantic film.
I watch this movie when i was 5 years old. When i saw i really liked the movie, the film is father's love, i was very sorry by nemo suffers a lot during the movie. But in the fiale of the film Nemo get find his father and they are happy forever.
Nemo for me is the best movie of Disney and the best romantic film.

dilluns, 6 de juny del 2016
Every year when the course ends me and my friends Nil, Albert, Aitor.... We go to CXamping Almata. This year will be the fourth yaer we go. Is awesome because just course ends and we went to camping.
I love the facilitis of the camping, are awosome, the pool, football pitch, tennis courts....
In the camping we know a lot of people, french, italian, germany the people is very nice. That is one of the things because i love camping. We stay a whole week toughter and we had a great time.
The best night of the week is on 24th of June, in Sant Joan, that night is awesome, we throw firecrackers and then we go to party. But there are a but new, the follewing day we left camping. This is possible the last year in Almata and this year i will enjoy to the fullest.
I love the facilitis of the camping, are awosome, the pool, football pitch, tennis courts....
In the camping we know a lot of people, french, italian, germany the people is very nice. That is one of the things because i love camping. We stay a whole week toughter and we had a great time.
The best night of the week is on 24th of June, in Sant Joan, that night is awesome, we throw firecrackers and then we go to party. But there are a but new, the follewing day we left camping. This is possible the last year in Almata and this year i will enjoy to the fullest.
William Sheakspear
This week on 23rd of Abril we celebrate the fourth century of his death.
The Stratford-upon-Avon was the town of William Sheakspear, on the Stratford Sheakspear had a house, the name of the house was Birthplace.
Anne Hathaway (1555- 6 August 1623) was the wife of William Shakespear, they were married in 1582. When she was 26 years old and he was 18 years old and they had three children, Susanna and in 1585 they had twins ,a boy, Hamnet, and a girl, Judith.
The Shakespear's globe was originally built in 1599, but destroyed by fire in 1613, rubuilt in 1614, and demolished in 1644.
have the reputation of being among the greatest in the English language and in Western literatue. Traditionally, the plays are divided into the genres oftragedy, history, and comedy they have been translated into every major livig language, in addition to being continually performed all around the world.
William Shakespear was write Romeo and Juliet on 1595, the play was first published in a quarto version in 1597.
During Queen's Elizabeth reign there was a lot of activity in all the arts: architecture, painting, music and poetry.
The armada was the name of the army of Philip II of spain sent to England in 1588. It failed because 11.000 spanish people are killed.
The Stratford-upon-Avon was the town of William Sheakspear, on the Stratford Sheakspear had a house, the name of the house was Birthplace.
Anne Hathaway (1555- 6 August 1623) was the wife of William Shakespear, they were married in 1582. When she was 26 years old and he was 18 years old and they had three children, Susanna and in 1585 they had twins ,a boy, Hamnet, and a girl, Judith.
The Shakespear's globe was originally built in 1599, but destroyed by fire in 1613, rubuilt in 1614, and demolished in 1644.
have the reputation of being among the greatest in the English language and in Western literatue. Traditionally, the plays are divided into the genres oftragedy, history, and comedy they have been translated into every major livig language, in addition to being continually performed all around the world.
William Shakespear was write Romeo and Juliet on 1595, the play was first published in a quarto version in 1597.
During Queen's Elizabeth reign there was a lot of activity in all the arts: architecture, painting, music and poetry.
The armada was the name of the army of Philip II of spain sent to England in 1588. It failed because 11.000 spanish people are killed.
"To be or not to be, that is the question" This word is one of the best words of Shakespeare, is form Hamblet.
1- Football: My like without football is nothing, i love watch football and l love play football too.
2- Formula 1: I really love F1, i follow F1 for many years, and is amaizing, the races, the environment... Everything is awesome, i didn't miss a races for many years.
3- Tennis: Tennis is my sport, the sport i do,i love play tennis and see the professionals on the TV.
4- My telephone: My phone is a samsung S6 and right now i could not live without it. It's impossible.
5- Play station 4: PS4 is like my daughter, when i was tired of school or i bored i play the PS4, by desconnecting of all it is brutal.
6- My sofa: My sofa, when i wake up the first thing i do is going to my sofa, i really lofe my sofa is my brother, and is very confortable, is AWESOME!!
7- McDonalds: McDonals is very important in my life, when my mum is not in house my father and me,we go to McDonalds, without McDonalds many days i would starve.
8- Nike: Is my favourite brand, for everything, shoes, t-shirts.... I love everything nike.
9- The summer: Is the best season of the yaer. For all, because there are not school, for hot, because always stay with friends...

2- Formula 1: I really love F1, i follow F1 for many years, and is amaizing, the races, the environment... Everything is awesome, i didn't miss a races for many years.
3- Tennis: Tennis is my sport, the sport i do,i love play tennis and see the professionals on the TV.
4- My telephone: My phone is a samsung S6 and right now i could not live without it. It's impossible.
5- Play station 4: PS4 is like my daughter, when i was tired of school or i bored i play the PS4, by desconnecting of all it is brutal.
6- My sofa: My sofa, when i wake up the first thing i do is going to my sofa, i really lofe my sofa is my brother, and is very confortable, is AWESOME!!
7- McDonalds: McDonals is very important in my life, when my mum is not in house my father and me,we go to McDonalds, without McDonalds many days i would starve.
8- Nike: Is my favourite brand, for everything, shoes, t-shirts.... I love everything nike.
9- The summer: Is the best season of the yaer. For all, because there are not school, for hot, because always stay with friends...
It's been a long day, without you my friend Ha estat un llarg dia, sense tú amic meu
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again I et diré tot sobre això quan et torni a veure
We've come a long way from where we began Fa molt de temps desde que vam començar
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again I et diré tot sobre això quan et torni a veure
When I see you again Quan et torni a veure
Damn, who knew Damn,qui ho sabia
All the planes we flew Tots el vols que hem volat
Good things we been through Les coses bones,
That I'd be standing right here talking to you Aquí he estat dret just aquí parlant amb tú
About another path Sobre un altre camí
I know we loved to hit the road and laugh Jo ho se nosaltres estimavem sortir a la carretera i riure
But something told me that it wouldn't last Però alguna cosa m'ha dit que sería la última
Had to switch up look at things different Va haver de canviar mirar cap adalt les coses diferents
See the bigger picture Mira la gran imatge
Those were the days Eren els dies
Hard work forever pays Treball dur sempre ens recompensa
Now I see you in a better place Ara et veig en un millor lloc
Oh Oh
How could we not talk about family Com nosaltres no podiem parlar sobre familia
When family's all that we got? Si la familia és tot el que tenim
Everything I went through Tot el que vaig passar
You were standing there by my side Estigues de peu al meu cantó
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride I ara tu estaràs amb mi en l'últim viatge
It's been a long day, without you my friend Ha estat un llarg dia, sense tu amic
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again I et diré tot sobre això quan et torni a veure
We've come a long way from where we began Fa molt de temps desde que vam começar
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again I et diré tot sobre això quan et torni a veure
When I see you again Quan et torni a veure
First, you both go out your way Primer, tu vas sortir fora del teu camí
And the vibe is feeling strong I la vibra s'ha sent forta
And what's small turn to a friendship I que és un petit gir per una amistat
A friendship turned into a bond Una amistat convertit en un enllaç
And that bond will never be broken I l'enllaç mai es trencarà
The love will never get lost L'amor mai aconseguira perdre
And when brotherhood come first I quan la meva fraternitat serà l'ho primer
Then the line will never be crossed I la línia mai serà creuada
Established it on our own I establida pel nostre compte
When that line had to be drawn Quan la línia tingui de ser dibuixada
And that line is what we reached I aquesta línia és el que aconseguim
So remember me when I'm gone Així que, recordem ami quan marxi
How could we not talk about family Com nosaltres no podíem parlar de la família
When family's all that we got? Si la famíla és tot el que tenim
Everything I went through Tot el que vaig passar
You were standing there by my side Estigues de peu al meu cantó
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride I ara tu estaràs amb mi per l'últim viatge
So let the light guide your way Així que, deixa la llum que dirigeixi el teu camí
Hold every memory as you go Mantenc totes les memòries allà on vagis
And every road you take I qualsevol camí que tu agafis
This song speaks about a really good friendship.
The mensage of this song are
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again I et diré tot sobre això quan et torni a veure
We've come a long way from where we began Fa molt de temps desde que vam començar
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again I et diré tot sobre això quan et torni a veure
When I see you again Quan et torni a veure
Damn, who knew Damn,qui ho sabia
All the planes we flew Tots el vols que hem volat
Good things we been through Les coses bones,
That I'd be standing right here talking to you Aquí he estat dret just aquí parlant amb tú
About another path Sobre un altre camí
I know we loved to hit the road and laugh Jo ho se nosaltres estimavem sortir a la carretera i riure
But something told me that it wouldn't last Però alguna cosa m'ha dit que sería la última
Had to switch up look at things different Va haver de canviar mirar cap adalt les coses diferents
See the bigger picture Mira la gran imatge
Those were the days Eren els dies
Hard work forever pays Treball dur sempre ens recompensa
Now I see you in a better place Ara et veig en un millor lloc
Oh Oh
How could we not talk about family Com nosaltres no podiem parlar sobre familia
When family's all that we got? Si la familia és tot el que tenim
Everything I went through Tot el que vaig passar
You were standing there by my side Estigues de peu al meu cantó
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride I ara tu estaràs amb mi en l'últim viatge
It's been a long day, without you my friend Ha estat un llarg dia, sense tu amic
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again I et diré tot sobre això quan et torni a veure
We've come a long way from where we began Fa molt de temps desde que vam começar
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again I et diré tot sobre això quan et torni a veure
When I see you again Quan et torni a veure
First, you both go out your way Primer, tu vas sortir fora del teu camí
And the vibe is feeling strong I la vibra s'ha sent forta
And what's small turn to a friendship I que és un petit gir per una amistat
A friendship turned into a bond Una amistat convertit en un enllaç
And that bond will never be broken I l'enllaç mai es trencarà
The love will never get lost L'amor mai aconseguira perdre
And when brotherhood come first I quan la meva fraternitat serà l'ho primer
Then the line will never be crossed I la línia mai serà creuada
Established it on our own I establida pel nostre compte
When that line had to be drawn Quan la línia tingui de ser dibuixada
And that line is what we reached I aquesta línia és el que aconseguim
So remember me when I'm gone Així que, recordem ami quan marxi
How could we not talk about family Com nosaltres no podíem parlar de la família
When family's all that we got? Si la famíla és tot el que tenim
Everything I went through Tot el que vaig passar
You were standing there by my side Estigues de peu al meu cantó
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride I ara tu estaràs amb mi per l'últim viatge
So let the light guide your way Així que, deixa la llum que dirigeixi el teu camí
Hold every memory as you go Mantenc totes les memòries allà on vagis
And every road you take I qualsevol camí que tu agafis
This song speaks about a really good friendship.
The mensage of this song are
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