divendres, 26 de maig del 2017


This season it has been very complicated for my team(FCBarcelona), is one of the worst season that i remember, this year the team has been very irregular, sometimes they played perfect at that moment you thought this year will be the year, another great season, but next week the team returned to play so badly, all season has been like this, in the Champions League this year we have done shame, we lost 4-0 against PSG, 3-0 against Juventus, we were eliminated in quartersfinals, it was horrible. In la Liga we have finished seconds, Real Madrid wins this season La Liga.
This year it was so bad but, but i trust a lot in this team, they have given me a lot of joys, therefore i will trust until death in this team.
Badly: http://www.wordreference.com/es/translation.asp?tranword=badly
Shame: http://www.wordreference.com/es/translation.asp?tranword=Shame
Therefore: http://www.wordreference.com/es/translation.asp?tranword=therefore
Until: http://www.wordreference.com/es/translation.asp?tranword=UNTIL

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